Terms of use
LUCIANA presents games of chance on the Internet site www.luckygames.be.
Participation in these games shall be governed by this contract.
LUCIANA urges you to read it carefully before accepting the terms and conditions. Access and use of the services on this site are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Use shown below, which you can print by clicking the ʺprintʺ button on your browser or by selecting ʺPrintʺ in the file menu, and which you can also download to your hard disk by clicking the relevant button.
These General Terms and Conditions of Use contain legal information about viewing and using the services offered on the website of LUCIANA BVBA (www.luckygames.be). When you click on "I accept" during your registration, you shall acknowledge having read all the contract clauses and agreeing to be bound by these and the detailed regulations and instructions pertaining to the Software and the games of chance.
In particular, you shall acknowledge accepting our confidentiality policy, our withdrawals policy and our fair gaming policy, as described in this contract and any updates thereto.
Please ensure that you understand all the terms in this contract. If you have any doubts about the entitlements and obligations ensuing from this contract for you personally or LUCIANA, please inform yourself prior to your registration.
The games of chance made available are consistent with Belgian law. It is important for you to seek information about the laws applicable in your country of residence, prior to undertaking the registration process. Some games of chance may be legally prohibited or subject to certain terms and conditions. LUCIANA may not be held liable in the event one of the games of chance being offered by LUCIANA being incompatible with the legal requirements in your country of residence.
Download LUCIANA General terms of use (PDF)